A root bones, from the dark water slowly leaned out, the picture is very strange, very horrible, behind the bones of the dead has a huge shadow, sending out the infinite majesty.The river is getting points, before the bones and then two bones in the lower and the two bones, no joints, very smooth, very sharp, looked like is two gun.running in Nike Roshe Run Originally the most began to appear the thick and long bones, not whip, but a piece of extremely long nose, flesh thickness above skin as pin, only the solemnity of the bones of the dead.
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With the huge bone like walking, one is full of majesty and nether mean Buddha, pressure to the bow, the lack of body becomes a little stiff, but my mind was thinking of trunk should no bones is.Here is the Buddha of the Western Paradise and hell Creek, an elephant's nose to bone, Rusalka is refused to disperse, he where to speak the truthrunning in Nike Roshe Run Can not speak the truth, that as long as war. However, looking at the bone on the back of an elephant sitting the monks, feel each other send out strong fowei, rather short of where dare to begin casually.